Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Where did 9 go? Now we are at 10!

Well, I didn't ever post for month 9 and now I am well into month 10, and instead of telling people I've now been here so many months I can now say, "Well, in July it will be a year :)."  Those words really thrill my  heart let me tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Thank you for pr me through this first year it has been hard, and one where I have been grinded and sifted until I think I can take no more, yet I have a feeling there may be more coming.  However, He is faithful and He never gives us more than we can handle; however, the part of that verse I often overlook is that word, "when".  Paul gives us those wonderful words of, "He never gives us more than we can handle, but when He does....."  How often do we all overlook that last part hoping beyond hope that He will not give us anything we cannot handle; EVER!  However, we all know that He often does, and the reason He does (I am learning) is because He loves us, and He wants us to experience and know His love in a way most of us have never experienced any kind of love before.  One of the greatest ways He shows us His love and teaches us how to truly experience it is through times of hardship, times of discouragement, times of feeling like we have failed, times of pain.  When look at Him full in the face during those times, His face is full of unfathomable love and that is what He gives us to get through what we think we can't handle.  He wraps His arm around our shoulders, helps us stand up, takes the burden we've been trying to carry, and walks along beside us with our burdens on His shoulders.  As we walk together, if we are patient and listening, He teaches us about our burden why He gave it to us or why He allowed it.  And as He talks and we walk along beside Him; we learn and we see His love for us.....greater than any love we have or can have in this life. 

Although it is great love we often don't want it, because it is too hard.  I have been guilty of not wanting it.  Thinking that I want His love, and at the same time not wanting the difficulty that comes along with it.  However, in His grace and patience I am learning the difficult and "hard" is worth it to know His love to know how much He loves us a little more every day.  Thank you for helping me to keep walking beside Him, when I have been tempted to just throw the burden at the Father and run away.  This post is not to say, "Yay! Everything is all better I'm good now!"  That would not be the truth; however, it is to say thank you for shouldering all of this with me, and being part of that way the Father helps us carry our burdens never expecting us to carry them alone.  Thank you so much for pr me through this year.  Keep lifting me up I cannot do the next 2 years without you! 

If you would like to respond to this post or any post please write me at racfarmer@mailboxwiz.com

Serving Him with You (where ever I am),

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