Although not doing this immersion trip did change plans a little bit, it was definitely in His plan because just a few weeks ago one of my guards had his father pass away. Both of my guards are O (the are members of the predominant ch here); therefore, the reality of them not being true Believers is very prevelent. With an O funeral, especially if it is taking place in the countryside, the funeral itself and the activites that go along with it take 14 days or longer. Currently my guard, his wife, and his brother are all in the countryside participating in the funeral for his father. This guard also has four little children; however, here it is not uncommon for parents to leave their children in the care of their neighbours for long periods of time. Please pr for my guard, his wife, and brother as they participate in the funeral, visiting with family, and especially as they travel back to AA at the end of the 14 days. Also lift up their kids, typically children left in the care of the neighbours do fine; however, sometimes things can happen. Please pr for the safety of these children, that they would be attending school as they are supposed to, and that they would have enough to eat while mom and dad are gone. Pr especially that my guard, his wife, and brother would be wise and discerning and have enough money to pay for the transport to get back to AA.
Rainy season has stopped, and we are now several weeks into dry season. This means that sunshine is 24/7, and the weather is warmer. However, AA's elevation is so high the temeprature is never unbearable. Although when rainy season stops everyone tends to have water problems. Pr that we would have enough water from day to day. Praise Him for the great rainy season this year, and ask that the people would be wise in the bounty of the harvest. I have also started running again. This doesn't mean I'm running outside that just isn't an option for me here although I dearly don't like that. However, I have started back to running on the treadmill again at the gym. Pr that I can keep it up, so I'll be road ready in December when I visit the States for vacation.
Thank you to those of you that have sent packages in the past few months. For whatever reason I have not received any packages in the past 2 months, and I know that some of you have sent some. I apologize for this. Hopefully the packages will be returned to you if they never reach me. Thank you for thinking of me. If you would like to encourage me in this way or help me in this way, I encourage you to send a small package/envelope to 5304 Glenn Cove Bryant, AR 72022. While I am in the US I will be restocking on supplies, so any help you could give would be appreciated.
Enjoy the pictures.
Serving Him with You wherever I am,
Pictures: 1. This is in the house of the family I do Story time with. The little girl at the fire/stove is the daughter of the woman in the house, and the little girl with her back to us is the next door neighbour.
2. This little baby boy is the cousin of the little girl at the fire. He's about 2 or 3 months here.
3. Me and the little next door neighbour
4. This is the little next door neighbour, her mom, and her little brother (he is about 5 months).
5. Last picture is me in my house, at the end of rainy season.
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