Well, it has now been 7 months, and that has only been possible by your pr. Thank you Lrd for helping me get this far. Continue to pr and lift me up in being here for this season. I have now moved into a house in the capital, and basically things are going ok. There is some rythmn to things now, and I basically have a schedule down. My house is coming together, and due to a lot of your pr the rest of my cargo was found this past week. It is a long story I would rather not share on the blog, but if you want to know it all I can send you an e-mail :). I had already decided I didn't need what was in the rest of the cargo and I didn't want it. But for whatever reason the Father wanted me to have it, so now my recliner is here along with my plates, bowls, silverware, waffle iron, crock pot, cutting boards, computer printer, and pots and pans. Hopefully this week the curtains for the living room and my bedroom will be finished and I will get them hung. According to the "plan", which is a very fluid concept here.....my other furniture will be finished. In my heart I know my time here is short, but I ask that you would pr all that I have, that He has supplied, He would use to bring Himself honour and glory.
There is one kink with my house and that is, it is next to a new road project. When a new road is being built here all of the people in the community suffer until it is finished because our water and electricity is frequently if not always cut off. Please pr that my water supply would remain consistent and that electricity would be regular.

Language continues to plod along or rather I continue to plod along with it. One major goal was accomplished this week....I said the blessing in Am all by myself. I can't help but think that me and my 1 1/2 year old nephew are at the same point in our language skills :). On Friday I finished phase 2A in our language program and on Monday I being phase 2B. Lanugage continues to get harder, and I ask that you would pr I would be listening better and keeping up with the homework. Pr that the verbs and nouns would stick.
This week I will be having a birthday.....please be pr for me on this day. I know that many of you will be pr without me having to ask and I thank you for that. This past week I received two packages for my birthday, and I know there are a few more on the way. Pr that He would bring the rest this week. Many of you may remember a post from my first 3 months here where I asked that you partner in pr for me for my future spouse and helpmate. I pr that on my birthday you would all do this specifically. For whatever reason He has really laid that upon my heart.

I hope that you all have a great week, and if you want to send me a longer letter, or you want my mailing address or you want to send a care package please write me at
racfarmer@mailboxwiz.com Please also go to prayforthehorn.org to find out how you can be one in a million pr for the Horn in April 2012.
Photos: 1. Taken during the holiday Temket, where the O ch remembers the bapt of J by John the Bpt.
2. This picture on the right is of a guy who works for one of the little souks close to where I live. He saw me taking pictures and asked for one.
3. The third picture of of a water tank that is a lot like the tank I am currently getting my water from. Please be asking that our water situation would be worked out soon.
4. This is me in the house, with my lovely pink sheet for curtain. Hopefully that will be down by this week and the real curtains up.
I have started running again on a consistent basis.....my running toes are back! Pr I can keep it up. Here all my running has to be in a gym, but thanks to my ipod it's not so bad. Angela Q. Ward: The pictures of the fruits and vegetables from the previous post are actually olives and ginger :).
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