Since I last updated I have finished pahse 1 in language, and I just completed the first week of phase 2. I am feeling very defeated right now when it comes to language. So please be lifting me up in this. Pr that if I can do nothing else I would be able to get this language to bring Him honor and glory. I have also now moved into "my house". It is big and feels empty, but I now have my own bed and am slowly unpacking what little else I have. Tomorrow, (Monday), I will go shopping for some furniture (table, chairs, furniture, bookcases etc), and then hopefully this week I will go shopping for a washing machine and curtains. Pr that I am able to acquire these things. Pr also that I will adjust to living in this house, and that all the mice and rats will be kept at bay.
Again if you want to write me send an e-mail to : racfarmer@mailbowiz.com through this I can give you my mailing address and a care package list if you are interested.
Also go to prayforthehorn.org to become 1 in a million pr for the Horn in April 2012.
Pictures (these are from Cmas)
1. This is who I spent Cmas with, we played a game of White Elephant/Dirty Santa after the kids were in bed.
2. We played football with the kids Cmas eve and again on Cmas afternoon.
Serving Him with You,
my e-mail is racfarmer@mailboxwiz.com (not the one listed in this post!)