Thank you for lifting me up these four months. If you are reading this or have been keeping up with me in another way you all know how difficult these four months have been. Thank you for lifting me up I can tell when you are. A couple of posts ago I mentioned that I had some news to share, so in this post I will now reveal what you've been waiting to read or hear as the case may be.

Many of you have been asking that Dad would open up a place for me outside of DD. A place where I can serve Him in a city and in a place where teaching would be more of a viablility. About 3 weeks ago now, I received a call from my cluster leader telling me that the decision had been made to move to me to the capital city. However, it was up to me to say yes to that or no, so I took some days to go through all of this in pr. It has been difficult I have felt like a complete failure, and wondered if I will ever know true joy again in all of this. Throughout these four months it has been difficult to keep my focus upon Him and find my worth and value in Him. I knew that this phone call was His answer to me, and so to honor my Father, to honor the people here, and to honor the company I said yes I will move to the capital.

So in two weeks I will be leaving DD and moving to AA. I don't have much to pack, but I do have some so please be lifting me up as I go through all of that again. I will also have to begin language learning all over again with a new language and a new tutor. I officially finished the first phase of the language I was learning, and now I will have to start at square one again. However, the language I have been working on does have some overlap with the one I will be learning, so hopefully that will be helpful! I will also be leaving the roommate and partner I have had for the past 4 months. Please be in pr for her and that soon He would bring the right partner for her to serve with. Also be in pr for our team leaders, and that they would let me go without holding resentment or anger towards me.
As of right now I don't know what I will be doing in service in AA, but I ask that you would pr that something would come available soon. Thank you so much for lifting me up in all of this. Please continue to do so this is not over yet.....enjoy the pictures.
Pictures: 1. (top left) is a view over the walled city. We were taking pictures up where the Hyenas sleep (literally!). 2. (mid right) is a view of a section of the Rift Valley. This is farm country and shepherd country. The reason this area is as green as it is, is because someone came in and built a very nice irrigation system. 3. (mid left) Some of the jgirls here help some of the ladies and girls in need of work by giving them a skill in jewlery making, and then they sale their wares. These two girls would only smile after I told them that smiling made them beautiful. 4. (bottom right) These are two little boys that followed us up the mountain before we took pictures over the Walled City. They also would not smile until I said that smiling was beautiful....I think I have learned how to get smiley pictures!
If anyone is wanting to send a package please wait to send it. My mailing information will change, and if you send it to DD now I won't receive it before I move. Thank you so much for the packages!
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