Today is my last full day in DD. Tomorrow morning I will most likely go to the clinic one last time, and head for the airport at 11:00am. Be pr that the final two bags I am taking with me would be checked without any problems or any extra cost. Also be lifting me up the flight itself that nothing unexpected would happen along the way. Be lifting up A, who has been my roommate for the past 4 months. She will be here for a few days by herself, and then be joined by a temporary roommate for the month. Ask that in this month HE would lead her to the right national partner to begin the project in the Walled City, which they were just given permission to start on Friday! Ask that this partner would have knowledge both verbal and written of English, O, A, and Ad. Ask that A would trust Him to supply this partner and friend in His timing.
Please be lifting me up as I move, transition, and start all over. Ask that a good language tutor would be found, I would have friends, I would have the ears and tongue for this new & difficult language, ask that He would show me how I fit and what I am to be doing for the next three years in AA, and ask that a suitable place would be found for me to live soon.
Also be lifting me up as holidays are approaching, and I find it hard to be so far away from everyone. This year for the first time in 8 years my parents and my three sisters with their families will all be together for Cmas. I will be the only one not there. I ask that you would be lifting me up during this time, and please be lifting them up during this time too.
Here are some pictures: In this picture with me is a little girl, who will be having her 6th birthday on Nov. 17. I remember growing up how special it was to be knowing that so many people were talking to Dad on my behalf when I turned a year older. Be lifting up this sweet, little tck as she turns 6.

The final picture is of a new Sister and her adopted son. This little one is the son of her sister, but her sister died while giving birth to him, so his aunt adopted him. He was severly malnourished when she brought him to the clinic, and now he is doing much better. Pr that N (the lady in the picture) would grow in her walk, and that R (the little one) would grow healthy and strong. He is actually 5 months, but still has a long way to go.
Thank you for all of your pr.