Many of you have been sending me e-mails, writing on facebook, talking with me on skype and asking how I am doing. My response is always....."I'm ok." I am at a point now where it seems like I'm just hunkering down and waiting for Him. I am trying to learn this language for Him, and that in someway if all I accomplish is learning this language while I am here it will be for His glory. Some days I think I've done pretty well, and then the next day comes and I can't seem to remember what I've learned. It is hard to keep going with language each day and I appreciate your pr on that issue. The past few weeks have also been tough because we seem to be going without electricity more often, and in the past two weeks we've gone about 4 days in total without water. It is getting hotter and hotter here with each passing week, and having no water and no electricity makes it even more unbearable to sleep at night. Today is one of the days we have been going without water. Please be pring that this situation would improve here.
So many of you have walked this journey with me from the beginning to now, and some of you are probably struggling along with me as I seek Him out on where I am supposed to be realizing that I'm in a place that doesn't fit exactly. Thank you for struggling with me, and please be hitting your knees asking that He would soon open up the place where I am to be for Him in this term.
Again I ask that you would be lifting up this area of the world. The famine and drought in the country on our border is getting worse, and this country seems to also be experiencing some of the effects of it. Be pring for the team here that I am currently serving with. Ask that He would give them more ways to effectively reach the people here for Him, and that everyone here would remember that we do nothing. Our work is as filthy rags, and the only way anything we do is of value is if we join Him in His Work. Pr that all of us here would daily remember that He is the one working, He is the one drawing people to Himself, He is the one bringing people into the family, He is the onlyone healing the sick, feeding the hungry, and redeeming this place. We have no power, and everything we are is to be from Him. Ask that we would remember that, and ask that we would represent Him to the people here. It is easy to take the credit when people are so thankful, but please pr that we would never do that. Ask that we would give all the glory and honour back to Him every single time.
Please keep lifting up my future spouse and help mate, and I ask that you would lift me up in this that I would not lose hope over this, but trust Him. The enemy has a way of beating me down over this, and I ask that you would pr that I would not believe his lies. Ask that I would also remain faithful in trusting Him for a transfer and believing Him for this. Please be asking that He would show me how to run again. Thank you for do not know how valuable it is! Thank you too for wanting to send me packages. If anyone else would like to do this please let me know at and I'll send you a list.
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