Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Some your request

 I realized recently I probably need to post on here again.  First of I want to say thank you for lifting me up.  I know many people have been, and He is gracious to be with us in the storms.  Thank for lifting me up and please continue to do so.  At the request of my mom and a friend I think this post needs to have a few Camel Land experiences in it.....

On Saturday I was supposed to have a driving lesson ( I am learning how to drive a standard, and apparently I am a natural.  All those years of watching it being done have paid off, and those couple of times of almost running into Downing Hall taught me good lessons), anyway, the driving lesson was canceled I ended up spending the entire afternoon at the hospital with my team leader's wife and a lady in need.  Part of the work going on here is that we help the poorer segments of society in Camel Land through free clinics, and in our clinic on Saturday this lady came in, who had been living on the street with her one year old son.  She was also 7 months pregnant and suffering from grand mal seizures.  One of the seizures made her fall into the cooking fire, and her family accused her of having d*mons, so they threw her out of the house and she came to Camel Land not knowing where to go.  This past Saturday she came to the clinic, and we helped her get into the hospital here.  Now she is taking seizure medication, and she is now in something like a half-way house until the baby is born.  My team leader's wife got to share with her, please ask that she would become a sister through all of this.

Once we finished at the hospital on Saturday it was about 5:30, and we were invited to go and eat with my language helper.  So at 6:30 we went to her house to eat and didn't leave until 10:00pm.  It was a long day but a good day.  My language helper is an excellent cook, so her food is always good.  It was interesting to see her house because it is this tiny little house made of mud, manure, sticks, and plaster that is over 100 years old!!!!!!!!!!!  I have no idea how it's lasted this long, but it just tells you how old Camel Land is. 

This week has once again been full of language study, and it is getting hotter here.  I want to ask that you would lift up sleeping for me.  Often it is too hot to sleep, and when I can't sleep well I don't want to get up and run.  I haven't been running in 7 weeks so I am asking that you please ask that I could sleep each night, and be able to run in the morning.  Please also be asking for famine relief, our part of the world is experiencing a famine that is being equated with the famine in the 80s that hit the Horn.  Please ask that rain would come, and there would be food to feed starving people.  Also ask that we would be more concerned with their hearts, and that in this time they would receive ever lasting bread and water.


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