Seems like these last two months I keep getting hit with unexplained and unpleasant physical ailments. A month ago I spent one night and two days throwing up and laying in bed, however, nothing was diagnosed as being an ameoba or anything else. A couple weeks later I had another fainting episode when I was out with my language teacher; however, I realized what was going on this time, and I was able to catch myself before I fully fainted away. I was able to grab her and drop to the floor in a sitting position and tell her to get me water before I completely blacked out. This required me to go to the doctor the next day, however, the check-up revealed nothing. And just the past two days I have been plauged with severe stomach cramps where I am forced to lay in bed until they subside. Please pr for me. None of this is meant to make you worry, I mean we get sick in the States too. Please pr that we can find out what is making me feel unwell, and that I wouldn't have anymore sickness like this.

This past month my greatest joy has been on Tuesday nights. I have been meeting with a group of four tck teenage girls for a Word study for the past 3 weeks. Doing this I am able to act on the gifts He has given me, and I am able to work with the PG that I know He wants me working with. Pr that this study would continue, and the girls would continue to grow and mature in Him.
In a few weeks I will be going for a 2 and 1/2 week trip to some other parts of Camel Land as an extension of language study. To be honest I am not looking forward to all of this travel in a car. Here when traveling in cars I often get sick and feel horrible for days after we reach our destination. Pr that I would not get sick and that this journey would be enjoyable.
Hope that you are all looking forward to this weekend as you prepare to celebrate and honour your fathers.
Serving Him with You where ever I am,
Ps. I will post more pictures later. The two pictures posted I am sure you can guess who they are of....Bethany Gale (on the left 3 hours old here) and Elijah, my dad, and Bethany Gale (on the right).