I thought I would post a short update since Cmas is just a few days away. I hope that many of you are enjoying the snow that is currently dumping on about half of the US. Those of you like me in the Southern hemisphere, I hope are finding something to help you through this season of being apart from loved ones. Here in Camel Land there are actually some Cmas decorations to be seen even though here, Cmas is traditionally celebrated on Jan 7. I have enjoyed going to a local coffee shop here that did a bang up job of decorating, and as I sit by the window sipping a macchiato, with a cool breeze blowing at night, it almost feels like Cmas should :). Yes, this below the equator girl confesses she misses her cold Cmases of the past 3 years.
It has truly been a year for our family. Many of you know of the hurt and loss we experienced as we welcomed our family member Karston in October 2010, and had to quickly turn him over into the hands of His Father. Dad has been so good in bringing our family through a year of healing, and he has blessed Karston's mom and dad (my sister Lydia, and brother-in-law Clay), welcomed Karston's little sister, Kylie Hope at 8:00AM on December 15. She is doing great, and she is beautiful. I miss her so much and long to hold and snuggle with her. Continue pr that Lydia and Clay would adjust to being new parents, stay healthy and enjoy the help of our parents while they are with them this month. Pr that my parents would stay healthy and enjoy all the grandbaby time with Kylie and my nephew Elijah.
Our family has once again been spread onto 3 continents in this year, and this spreading has had its challenges for all of us. Continue to lift us up in this, and pr He would allow times and places for us to be together this coming year.
Finally, you all know how this year has been going for me....whew. Someone asked me the other day how I was doing now, and they commented that I seemed to be doing better. I agreed I am doing some better, but Dad is still grinding me. I hope that you will ask with me for strength to sustain during this process, and that I would persevere and be obedient to Him alone.
Pictures: The pictures are obviously of my niece, Kylie...as you can tell my mind has been kind of one track lately :) .
1. The first picture is of my dad (Kylie's granddaddy) holding her.
2. The second is of Kylie with Lydia and Clay.
3. The third is of Kylie herself.
4. The last picture is self explanatory....