Thank you brothers and sisters for bringing me before the Throne. Without your constant pr and intercession I could not still be here. I have already been here for 3 months, and the third month seems to rapidly be moving towards the 4th. It is crazy to think that it is already Fall back home in the States, and I am missing drinking my favourite Starbucks drink (Pumpkin Spice Latte), and running in the cool of a Fall afternoon. Continue to pr that He would show me where I am to be, and what I am to be doing for Him. Also lift up that soon He would put me in a place where I can run outside again.
Being here 3 months I am already almost done with the first phase of language study. I should be done by Monday of next week, and then at some point I will have my first language evaluation. Please be in pr for this evaulation as many of you, who know me, know that I hate tests! Ask that I would not become anxious over it, but trust Him. I recently realized that I can now communicate at about a 5 year old level, which means I can shop without help, and explain to people my name etc. Continue to pr for my language situation.
Many of you have been sending me very sweet and very much needed care packages over the past 3 months. Every package that has been sent I have received thank you so much, and please keep sending them! Getting a package in the mail can turn a really difficult day into something much better, and He uses your gifts to help us here. If you are interested in sending me a care package write me at or find me on facebook and I'll send you a list to go by.
Please continue to pr for the Horn and the people here. The Family is growing every day here. Pr that people who are truly called to this area of the world and who have a passion to live out in a very rural area would come out here. Pr for the team I am serving on currently as we get ready for a volunteer team that is coming from Texas on Saturday to help us for a week. Pr that they would stay healthy and they would be willing to learn and work while they are here. Pr also for their safety in travel.
Continue to also lift me up as I continue to wait on word from the leadership about what is next for me.